Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an alternative and complementary therapy that taps into the electromagnetic field of the body to facilitate deep relaxation, stress relief, physical and emotional healing, mental clarity, and energetic alignment. Dr. Sarah is an Usui-trained Reiki Master, an active member of the Reiki Healing Association, and has been offering healing sessions since 2015
"I liked that BETTER than a massage."
- E.K., Reiki Client
of Reiki
Research shows that a even a single Reiki session can provide a multitude of physical, mental and emotional benefits. Below are just a few documented outcomes from receiving Reiki energy healing.
Reduced stress (via lower cortisol)
Increased relaxation
Improved treatment of chronic pain and inflammation (e.g., migraines, arthritis)
Improved management of chronic illness (e.g., cancer, heart disease, autoimmune)
Decreased blood pressure
Decreased depression
Decreased anxiety
Decreased fatigue
Improved heart rate variability
Enhanced mood
Increased emotional resilience
Healthier sleep habits and sleep quality
- Enhanced mental clarity

The stats
100% of clients report feeling more relaxed and less stressed after their Reiki sessions.
88% of clients report feeling less anxious and 40% feel less depressed after receiving Reiki.
60% of clients report feeling more energized and more connected to themselves post-session.
40% of clients report receiving mental and emotional clarity on a personal issue or difficult situation.
"I feel CALMER and my head feels CLEARER than it did before."
- B.K., Reiki Client
Sessions + Packages

"I haven't been able to cry in such a long time and I've been holding onto so much. I feel like I CAN CRY AGAIN.
- A.T., Reiki Client

Is Reiki Right
For You?
Below are the most common reasons my clients report when booking sessions with me:
They're exhausted or burned out and in need of a recharge
They're in need of an energetic "spring cleaning" or chakra tune-up,
They're feeling "stuck", and aren't sure how to get unstuck,
The have the sense they've been physically or emotionally holding onto the past, and their other practices haven't fully facilitated the release they need,
They're seeking clarity, direction, or affirmation in some area of their life or for a major decision they need to make,
They are ready to experience a major catapult forward in their life.