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The First Time I Truly Manifested Something...

It was 2018, I was on retreat in Colombia, and I had been out exploring in the jungle for about an hour.

It was nearing lunch when I started to make the trek back to the beach, and by this point I felt both parched and like my blood sugar needed a little boost. The humidity was unrelenting, and accordingly, my skin maintained a perpetual layer of salty sweat to try and keep me cool.

I really hadn’t hydrated enough before I set out on my exploration to make it back without feeling like my teeth were sticking to my lips. The thought of a ripe, juicy mango hit my consciousness and filled me with an instant fervor and eagerness to speed up my journey back to the village where my cabana was so I could quench my growing thirst.

Just then, one of my fellow travelers began to walk up the shore toward me.

We exchanged a quick hello and a hug, and then she reached into her bag, pulled out a mango, and said, “Hey, I just found a bunch of mangos that had dropped back there,” gesturing in the direction she’d come. “I can’t eat them all. Do you want one?"

I was stunned. I had just thought the words, “a mango would be perfection right now,” and out of the palm leaves comes my thought in physical form. Grateful, I accepted her gesture and enjoyed that mango for the remainder of the walk back to camp.

Fast forward two days. I had just come from a deep tissue massage and a lot of emotions were coming up.

I really needed a hug. I needed to be held by someone for just a moment as my body navigated everything that was coming forward.

As I slowly made my way from the massage parlor toward the yoga studio, I passed another retreat comrade. She offered me a casual, “Hey, good morning.” And then to my shock, she paused for a split second and then said, “Can I give you a hug?"

I didn’t move.

Had I once again produced a thought, that produced the thing, that I thought?

What IS this? I wondered.

How is this happening?

To that point, “manifestation” like this wasn’t something I’d ever experienced.

TBH, I believed it to be an idyllic (but totally bogus) concept made up by the spiritual communities and businesses.

I mean, I’ve had dreams that I reached, and set goals that I achieved, but never had I produced something tangible from an intangible thought so successfully and so quicly. It made me wonder if manifestation was real.

But was there any science behind this idea? How did I unintentionally make this happen? Are there better techniques than others to achieve our desired thoughts? Is this a skill you’re just born with or can it be trained?

To my delight, there actually IS science behind manifestation. There ARE techniques that are more effective than others. And it IS a skill you can learn.

On January 29th @ 6p est, I’m hosting a Mighty Manifestor Masterclass to teach you all about the science of manifestation and empirically-backed tools to maximize your manifestation magic, including:

  • Common theories of manifestation & their pitfalls

  • Current psychological, cognitive and neuroscience data on manifestation

  • Effective mindset, visualization and meditative techniques for successful manifestation

  • And more…

This masterclass is normally $111. But if you register by January 22nd the investment is only $44. 

Become the Mighty Manifestor that future You needs you to be.


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© 2024 by Dr. Sarah Cavrak

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