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5 Reiki Positions To Do When You Feel Triggered

Regulating your nervous system is a critical skill when your anxiety begins to rise, when you're on the verge of a panic attack, or when an traumatic wound gets triggered.

The practice of Reiki supports the process of bringing our physiological systems back into balance by turning off the fight-flight-freeze-fawn response (powered by the sympathetic nervous system) and turning on the rest and digest response (powered by the parasympathetic nervous system).

When I'm feeling triggered, this short set of Reiki hand positions helps me, 1) rebalance these two interconnected responses within my autonomic nervous system, and 2) regulate my energy flow so I can remain in the present moment, calm my mind, and remember that I am safe and loved.

The next time your anxiety spikes (or when an emotion become big and overwhelming), try out these five self-Reiki hand positions to soothe yourself.

From a comfortable seated position, start from the top left and move to the bottom right:

  1. Bring one hand to your belly and the other to your chest,

  2. Now, place your palms over your face,

  3. Next, lift palms to hover 1 inch above the crown of your head,

  4. Then, bring your palms under your chin to support your jaw,

  5. Now, slide your palms to the rounded part of your skull,

  6. And finally, bring your hands back to your belly and heart.

Hold each position for a minimum of 3-5 slow, deep breaths (or longer as needed).



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© 2024 by Dr. Sarah Cavrak

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