MYTH #1: Manifestation is just about having a positive mental attitude.
While thinking positively about our goals and intentions is an important part of bringing emotional salience to our intentions, without a strong understanding of how our underlying (subconscious) beliefs are sabotaging our manifestation attempts we’ll inevitably reach disappointment at our own efforts, again and again.
MYTH #2: Manifesting is evidence of magic.
While manifestation can feel like magic when our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and their outcome reach synchronicity… manifestation is actually just an intention that gets embedded into our subconscious which activates brain networks associated with goal orientation which signals to our cognitive network that this intention is important, salient, and worthy of attention. And that's just science. Not magic.
MYTH #3: Successful manifestation requires lots of education or special training
Manifestation simply requires your time, energy, attention, heart, and an investment in yourself… Along with some helpful nuggets of info about how the neurological systems, cognitive systems, and emotional associations work together to support (or hinder) the manifestation process.
MYTH #4: Manifestation is something that only happens to the “enlightened”.
Manifestation is actually a radically equitable practice that’s available to all. There are just six simple steps to successful manifestation and anybody can be taught how to do it.
MYTH #5: Visualization (or creating a vision board) is all you need to manifest something.
Although repeatedly visualizing your goals, hopes, and dreams is part of the manifestation process, it’s not a substitute for action, nor is it enough in-and-of-itself. Manifestation is intimately tied to other critical conscious and subconscious processes that ALL must be attended to so that every ounce of your intention and investment is efficacious.
Are you ready to...
1) Understand why your previous attempts to manifest something haven’t fully worked to bring your intentions into material reality?
2) Start taking action on the six simple practices needed to re-train your brain and finally manifest your dream job, #RelationshipGoals, or financial abundance, today?
3) Become a mighty manifestor?
If you said 'yes' to any of these, then join me for my EXCLUSIVE new masterclass, Mighty Manifestor, where I'll teach you all about the science of manifestation and empirically-backed tools to maximize your manifestation might.
You'll Learn About...
Why some of the most common manifestation practices and beliefs just don't work (or fall short of the goal) leaving you to feel defeated or frustrated... yet again,
The physiological, neurological, and cognitive requisites for successful manifestation,
A simple and effective, 6-step process for manifesting your professional hopes, relationship goals, and big vision dreams right now.